“The Secret Elixir of Life”

Versha Raina
2 min readJul 15, 2021
magic potion

“Panacea of sorry could be the remedy to frustration “

In every household, the morning scene opens with the husband and wife shouting at each other from different corners.

Wife: we have to be in the office at 8!

Husband: what time is it now?

Wife: 7:15 am.

Husband: I just need 20 minutes more.

Wife: let me know when it is 7:40 so that I can get ready.

Wife: we have to be there at 8 so we need to leave at least till 7:40.

This may end in logical or illogical arguments. Child’s low-performance card or misconduct reflects the lenient and careless role of the mother as per her husband.

In this way, the family is surrounded by problems and pressures that we all go through. We might try to overcome all but, some problems emerge out strong and overpower our perseverance which ultimately leads to frustration. During this pandemic, there could be an apparent cause of financial crisis or an emotional breakdown.

Frustration is the stage or condition in which failure dominates the attempts. Many times the significance of the goal and strength of the blockade increases the degree of frustration.

When the people around us show frustration it’s hard to figure out what is the reason behind it. But we all know the cause of frustration lies in the individual’s ambiance or his circumstances. Moreover, it is natural to feel angry, frustrated, exhausted, alone, or sad. But genuinely, “I am sorry” can go a long way to make your spouse, friend, children feel heard and validated.

We shy away from saying sorry in response to someone’s misfortune because it might not feel like enough of an acknowledgement instead we rumble or worse say nothing and avoid that person. But be a hero, affirm your support and care by saying the magical word Sorry.

